Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mama, I can't believe my eyes!

This is what LG told me as she came into her room as I was cleaning it up yesterday. Her room had become SO MESSY (dress up clothes, stuffed animals, shoes, baby dolls, clothes, blankets, play kitchen stuff, books, toys, crayons, you name it, it was on her floor) that I haven't been able to motivate myself to clean it for about a week!!! Yes, we usually get her to clean it, but it was so bad that it was easier for me to do it by myself...ALONE! So after I had been "working" for about 30 minutes in her room she walked in, looked at my progress, and said, "Mama, I can't believe my eyes...you're cleaning MY room ALL by yourself...I am so proud of you!" Out of the mouths of babes (preschoolers, that is). I love you, LG :-)

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