Friday, March 28, 2008

Car Conversations

Don't you love the conversations you have with your kids in the car? I sure do! Little backgound information...LG put pennies in the cd player in my car about 2 years ago so my WHOLE radio/cd player has been broken since then and you know we are too cheap to have it repaired!!! So we have a lot of conversations in our car without the option of music-ha!

Today, LG & I were talking about "big" girls (for the record, she thinks she is one) & LG said, "Mama, when Maddie James is a "big" girl I want her name to be Lola Grace. I said, "well, that's your name" and LG said "we can both be Lola Grace" - how cute?!

LG's quote for the day was, "Mama, you get what you get & you don't pitch a fit!" No, I was not pitching a fit but I'm glad she told me that one, I'll be using it!!!

Cherry Blossom at IBC

Look - I can hula hoop!

What is it about sand that kids love?
Ladybugs eating their icecream...yumeee!

Mrs. Natalie, LG & Mrs. Kari

Up, Up and Away...

Cherry Blossom time is here. IBC had their C.B. "festival" today on the playground and the kids had a blast. There were different "stations" that they travelled around to & participated in - obstacle course, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, hula hoops, sand box & icecream! After performing a few songs, each child was given a pink balloon & told to hold it with their life! There were a lot of white nuckles-ha! On the count of 3 everyone let their balloon go. Oh, yeah, they each made their own C.B. shirt, too!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Super Baby"

My Daddy is so funny!
MJ LOVES her daddy (and her daddy LOVES her)! Chris calls her "super baby" and she thinks it is hilarious...she loves when he puts her in the air and lets her "fly" - hence the name s.b.

Don't Leave the Jellybeans Out!

All that's left - the bag was 1/2 full!

Well, while I was "resting" in my room this afternoon, my sweet LG who was quietly watching Curious George & having a snack (that I prepared) in the den found the bag of jellybeans that I left out...ENOUGH SAID! When I saw the bag, I knew her stomach had to hurt. I called her in the den & asked her if she had something to tell me? She covered her face with the book she was holding & quietly said, "I ate the jellybeans." I said "you know you are not supposed to eat anything without asking me first, right? Well, since you disobeyed, you can't have ANY dessert tonight (of course, with a disappointed look on my face trying not to laugh!)." She replied (with a happy attitude), "OK, tummy's so full I don't need any dessert." Well, THAT PUNISHMENT DIDN'T GO OVER THE WAY I THOUGHT IT WOULD!!! Oh well, chalk it up to another "mom of the year" award-ha!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Blog Addiction

OK, I have a blog addiction...It is after midnight and I have been looking at blogs for 3 HOURS while eating Easter jellybeans!!! My contacts are sticking to my eyeballs because I have been looking at my laptop screen for so long! I have a headache and I really need to go to bed, but I feel like I may miss something that's happening out there in "blogland".

On a sidenote, I fed MJ at 3:30 this afternoon (well, that would now be yesterday), she went down around 4:15 pm and still has not waked I wake a 4 month old up (who normally sleeps through the night) to eat (at midnight) or just pump??? I can't stand pumping!!! Oh well, I think I'll be pulling out the pump, so I will not be in pain all night, and saying a little prayer for MJ's continued sleep...Oh, the decisions we have to make as moms-ha!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Matthew 28: 5-6: The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said."

Romans 10:9-10: "For if you CONFESS with your MOUTH that 'Jesus is Lord' and BELIEVE in your HEART that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Thank you Jesus for coming to earth to live as a man (sin-free), die a painful death on the cross for OUR sins, raise from the dead and ascend into Heaven so that we may spend eternal life with you! Thank you for forgiving my sins & giving me the faith to believe in and personally accept you as my Savior! To God be the Glory!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sprinkler Fun

Singing in the sprinkler

Our Happy Girl

Always have to take a "funny" face pic

What a beautiful March day...LG had a blast playing in the sprinklers...what a wonderful childhood memory! I loved putting on my bathing suit as a child and playing in the sprinklers! LG kept saying, "Mama & Daddy, the sprinklers are getting me wet!" The birds were chirping, the sun shining, flowers blooming, LG was laughing and MJ was taking a nap...thank you Lord for these wonderful days!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Papa & Honey's New (Old) Toy

Yes, it's true...Honey and Papa now own a Grady-White! I saw this boat on Forsyth Rd. yesterday and called to tell mom about it. Next thing I know, I have a voicemail from mom saying, "We bought the boat!!" We are so excited and looking forward to many boat rides at Tybee! Mom has been looking for a boat for a couple of years...who would've guessed we'd find the right one right here in MACON! Cheers to many memories on the Grady-White...we'll have to come up with a great name for this new member of our family-ha!

3K Easter Egg Hunt

Notice the change of clothing :-)

This morning we headed to Henry Burns Park for LG's 3K Ladybug Class Easter Egg Hunt...all the kids had such a wonderful time and the weather was beautiful! LG slid in a big thing of mud & so I called Payton (THANKS!) to see if Daddy could drop by on his way to the park & pick up a pair of extra clothes...I call Chris to let him know and end the conversation with "hurry." Thinking it is taking him longer than it should, I call him again - while LG is sitting on the blanket in her "mud" panties & shirt (already took the mud covered dress off) covered with MJ's blanket - and asked "are you close?" "Yes, I'm pulling in the church parking lot right now". "What??? The easter egg hunt is at HENRY BURNS PARK!!!" Wives, don't you love a man's selective hearing!!!??? So we put the mud dress back on so LG wouldn't miss the egg hunt & as they were done hunting, Daddy arrived! HA!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter Fun with Friends

Mrs. Christian had the gang over for an Easter Egg Hunt this afternoon. She had stickers & markers for the kids to decorate their own bags, eggs to dye & TONS of easter eggs hidden in the backyard...she even had princess & Hello Kitty eggs...everyone had a blast!!! We also enjoyed cupcakes that she made.

St. Patty's Day


Papa & "Little Shamrock"

Em & LG

Well, we all enjoyed another St. Patty's Day in Savannah...the kids LOVED the parade and running around the park! Mom, Dad & LG headed downtown early (8 am) to snag our terrific spot--thanks! MJ "watched" about 10 minutes of the parade and slept through the rest...even through all the noise!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kiawah & The FLU

The "Happy Couple" Not Knowing What is About to Hit

My "Room Service" Flu Diet - started with chicken broth, 2nd day chef thought I was ready for broth AND veggies--yipee!

Our View

Yes, it's true...Chris had the opportunity to play in a golf tournament (I know that's a shocker!!!) at Kiawah Island & I was invited to come along. Both sets of grandparents graciously agreed to keep the girls while we were gone (Sat - Tues). Cha-Cha called & said everyone at their home had had the flu, so we didn't want to chance LG & MJ getting it, so off to Honey & Papa's they went. Fri. morning I woke up with a "scratchy" throat but didn't think much of it. Everything is dandy, the girls are situated and off to Kiawah we go for a romantic get-away/golf tournament (I think that's an oxymoron-ha). Sat. morning on the trip down I started getting a "head cold" (so I thought) & by the time we got home from a delicious dinner Sat. night, oh yeah, you know it...I HAD THE FLU!!! So what did I do to enjoy my stay while at a 5 star hotel in Kiawah??? You guessed it...stayed in bed with chills, sweats, a headache, a cough, aches & pains and other unmentionables!!! Chris did open our balcony door so I could hear the waves and look at the beautiful view. I lived on dry toast, chicken broth & gingerale & was grateful that I had peace & quiet while recovering!!! I guess the Lord thought I REALLY needed some rest! Thanks to Chris for being a great nurse! By the way, he & Sandy came in 2nd place!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Mom of the Year

My "Knot on the Head" Angel
Yes, the unthinkable happened precious 4 month old fell off the bed onto the hardwood floor!!! And, she let us hear about it...of course, it seemed as if it all happened in slow motion and then I scooped her up praying that she was o.k. Praise the Lord, so far, so good. I don't think that there is anything worse than something happening to your child...I hope you realize the sarcasm in the title of this post!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Covenant Care is a local Christian Adoption Agency and I am grateful to serve on their board (My mom also served on their board when I was young). I was asked to put together gift baskets for 15 Covenant Care birthmothers to enjoy on their retreat this weekend...Lola Grace had a blast being my "assistant"! Having been adopted myself I have the utmost respect for birthmothers who choose an adoption plan for their baby. I am so BLESSED to have been adopted by my loving parents...Thank you, Lord!!! I love you, mom & dad.


T-shirt from Selfish Saturday

Well, Daddy turned 33 today...when he came home from exercising this morning, he asked LG what she had gotten him for his bday. LG looked at him with a little smile (realizing she had nothing) and went to her room to "find" a present. She proudly came back with two of her books & a stuffed sweet! The only problem was that she presented the gifts by saying, "here, daddy, you can have these because I don't want them anymore." HILARIOUS!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

10 More Babies

Lola Grace feeding & changing Maddie James

The following conversation took place this week b/n Mommy, Daddy & Lola Grace:

  • M: "LG, do you want Mommy to have another baby?"

  • LG: "Yeah!!!" (very excitedly)

  • D: "Do we have room for another baby?"

  • LG: "I have a GREAT idea...we can put one in my room, one in your room, one in the den" at this point M interrupts LG and asks...

  • M: "How many babies do you want mommy to have???"

  • LG exclaims: "TEN" with 10 fingers held up & a BIG grin on her face!!!

  • M: (with a BIG grin on her face imagining this) "How would we take care of 10 babies???"

  • LG: "I know, we can get 10 bottles, 10 diapers" this point Daddy interrupts and says...

  • D: "10 diapers is a great idea, but I think we may need a FEW more!" HA!

I love seeing life through a 4 year old!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mama, I can't believe my eyes!

This is what LG told me as she came into her room as I was cleaning it up yesterday. Her room had become SO MESSY (dress up clothes, stuffed animals, shoes, baby dolls, clothes, blankets, play kitchen stuff, books, toys, crayons, you name it, it was on her floor) that I haven't been able to motivate myself to clean it for about a week!!! Yes, we usually get her to clean it, but it was so bad that it was easier for me to do it by myself...ALONE! So after I had been "working" for about 30 minutes in her room she walked in, looked at my progress, and said, "Mama, I can't believe my're cleaning MY room ALL by yourself...I am so proud of you!" Out of the mouths of babes (preschoolers, that is). I love you, LG :-)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Oma's 99.5 Birthday

Great-Grandchildren help blow out candles

Josh & Maddie James

MJ sleeps through dinner

Oma is 1/2 a year away from 100 years young today!!! We are so happy to have her in Macon...she, Kathleen & Jennifer drove from Washington, DC & arrived yesterday. Tonight, we met at IHCC with the whole family to have professional pictures taken and enjoyed a wonderful dinner together. We all sang Happy Birthday to Oma & Cha-Cha surprised her with a birthday cake!

Sweet Sisters

MJ LOVES Big Sister!!!

So happy

Hanging out in MJ's crib

LG loves climbing into MJ's crib...they have so much fun together! LG talks "MJ language" with her and she just lights up.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


The New Hat

Scoreboard...yes, those are pics of Chris!

Chris' 4th annual Selfish Saturday golf tournament is taking place today. He could hardly sleep last night due to the excitement! He left early this morning to go take a "steam" and prepare for HIS day. There are 71 other guys that will be participating...some play in the morning, some in the afternoon and the serious "double dip". There were hats, t-shirts, a masseuse...this year he even had a trophy made that will include the champions' names each year -- too funny! Let's just remember..."It's all about Chris!" Thanks to everyone who made this day great for Chris!