Friday, March 28, 2008

Cherry Blossom at IBC

Look - I can hula hoop!

What is it about sand that kids love?
Ladybugs eating their icecream...yumeee!

Mrs. Natalie, LG & Mrs. Kari

Up, Up and Away...

Cherry Blossom time is here. IBC had their C.B. "festival" today on the playground and the kids had a blast. There were different "stations" that they travelled around to & participated in - obstacle course, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, hula hoops, sand box & icecream! After performing a few songs, each child was given a pink balloon & told to hold it with their life! There were a lot of white nuckles-ha! On the count of 3 everyone let their balloon go. Oh, yeah, they each made their own C.B. shirt, too!

1 comment:

The Preston Family said...

Um, did I give you permission to put my pic on the web? JK! Cute cute!