Thursday, January 22, 2009

Crazy Day

This week is Spirit Week at FPD, so the kids had Crazy/Tacky Day & this is how LG & Law celebrated this special occasion - ha! A little pink hair & a mullet never hurt anyone, right?

Cousins missing the same bottom tooth
Full View - - - - - - - MJ in Honey's boots

A Bus

Another car conversation with LG:

LG: "Mama, I wish our house was a bus."
M: "You do...why?"
LG: "So we could always go wherever we wanted to."

I told her to be careful what you wish for...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Now You See It...Now You Don't

Smiling with ALL my teeth

The proud moment

Our precious LG ran into our room this morning and proclaimed, "Mama, Daddy...I have an emergency...My TOOTH finally came out...I pulled it out!" We congratulated her & were relieved that it finally came out. She told me it was loose about 2 weeks ago. She told me she hit it on something, but, I never could really get a "straight" story, so I'm not sure if it came loose on it's own or what. I feel that it's pretty early for her to be loosing teeth, though? Maybe, I'm just a Mama in denial about her baby growing up...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cracked Eggs

This is why I shouldn't take an afternoon nap while MJ is napping & leave LG watching Noggin...

LG decided to crack some eggs at her "fair" while we were napping. She came in my room & told me "Mama, there's an emergency...some eggs cracked on the floor." Silly me, I assumed she meant on the kitchen floor so I told her she was going to be in trouble & to cover it up with a paper towel & I would clean it up when I got up. As I walked in the living room, I heard LG say, "OH, NOOOO..." As I said, "what?", I quickly scanned the room & saw the cracked EGG on the ottoman. LG then looked at me & said, "there's some more..." And, then, I looked at one of my favorite rugs & saw the evidence.
I knew I had to get pics of this, so, as I tried not to laugh, I told LG, with a stern voice, to go to her room, lifted the paper towel that she had placed on the eggs & clicked away.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Here's the story...Maddie James is definitely "coming into" her own personality! She LOVES to feed herself & this morning, we sat down to enjoy some oatmeal. I kept smelling this AWFUL smell & she would NOT let me feed her...yeh, BAD, BAD, BAD diaper! Tub worthy! So off to the tub we went (after stripping down & throwing the diaper along with the pj's AWAY).

Back to the high chair - screaming while I tried to feed her. Once I gave in & accepted the fact that oatmeal would be EVERYWHERE, I let her feed herself!

Happy to feed myself

Squishy concentration

All done - - - - - - why not get it in my hair, too?

Finger-lickin' good - yeh, it's in my diaper, too!
Off to the tub we went again...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blue Jeans

Lola Grace is NOT a fan of any type of pant, really. She loves skirts & dresses & we have had many tearful "discussions" about wearing pants that I have bought for her, b/c she told me that she liked them, so we kept them, but, then she never wants to WEAR them. The other day, she mentioned that she wished she had a pair of jeans, so, while I was at Target today, I bought some for her. When I showed them to her, the following converstation took place:

Mama: "LG, come look what I got for you today." As I pull the blue jeans out of the bag, I ask, "Do you like them? Remember you asked me for some jeans the other day?"
LG: "Oh, yes...I like them!"
She stands there & I ask her to try them on.
LG: "Well, I think I want to try them on tomorrow."
Mama: "Okay..."
LG is quiet for a minute & then says, "Um, Mama, I like them, but, I just don't want to wear them."
Mama: "Oh, ok, so you want me to take them back?"
LG: "Oh, noooooooo..."
Mama: "You don't? But I thought you said you don't want to wear them?"
LG: "Yeh, I don't, but, I just want to LOOK at them."