Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Daddy flew to Vegas last Friday & came home Monday. Before he left, he was "reminding" LG to have a good attitude while he was gone and she said, "but, Daddy, what if I forget to have a good attitude?" So, being the creative Daddy that he is, he drew her a "reminder" on the chalkboard in her room! Yes, that's LG's bottom & Daddy's hand.

Friday, August 14, 2009

MJ goes to MMO

MJ had her first morning at Mother's Morning Out today. Her teacher is Mrs. Kerri & she'll go each Friday. I dropped LG off for her first "real" day of Kindergarten, went home picked MJ up (yes, Daddy was home with her), drove to pick up Honey & off we went for MJ's big day. (LG played "school" with MJ Thursday night to "get her ready for her school." What a precious big sister!) MJ wouldn't leave the house without bunny & blankie...once we arrived at "school" bunny & blankie had secretly been thrown in the back & MJ was now concerned with carrying her bag :) She was so excited. She walked in all by herself & Honey & I stayed & watched through the double mirror - such fun! She didn't want to hang up her bag, so she carried it around the room with her & finally put it on the ground to check out some toys. Anytime another child would get NEAR "the bag" she would immediately make her way over to protect the bag - hilarious! MJ, you are such a doll & we are so proud of you! Honey & I ran some errands, picked up Papa, went to pick MJ up, then LG...both girls were so happy when we picked them up! H & P took us for a celebration lunch at Marguerita's...what a GREAT day!
MJ walking in - - - - - - - - - - Mama's here!
LG running in - - - - - - - - - - Mama's here!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kindergarten for LG

Today was LG's 1st day of Kindergarten...her teachers are Miss Allison & Mrs. Jean & she has adorable classmates! LG found her nametag on the table in the hallway & slowly walked into her new classroom with me (with a little loving motherly nudge). We quickly found some familiar & some new faces! We found her name on a table & she sat down & glued letters that spelled her name on a piece of paper. Miss Allison mailed LG a blank face & she was to draw herself & then they stapled the names & faces on the hallway bulletin board - too cute! We then "toured" her new classroom & found two parakeets! The kids headed to the playground for a snack & the parents stayed for orientation. What a special day! LG told me that tomorrow is her REAL first day of Kindergarten since she will go by herself. She also told me that when she was on the playground she saw Mrs. Carol/Memorie's new Pre-K class & "they were so adorable, Mama...they were so little!" LG, you are such a BIG girl now & we are extremely proud of you!
After our special morning, we met the B girls for lunch

Monday, August 10, 2009

Not a Mama

Monday night is pizza night at our house...$6.35 large, one topping, carryout...hello, Dominos! Tonight as I was serving MJ her 2nd piece of pizza, LG looked at my plate:
LG: "Mama, you haven't even "eated" much of YOUR dinner."
M: "I know. That's what happens when you're a mama, you take care of everybody else before yourself."
LG: "I'm so glad I'm NOT a mama!"

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cheerleading Camp

E & LG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LG & Evans

LG enjoyed another week of Cheerleading Camp this summer! The cheerleaders & campers had a service project & filled 3 big bins with baby items for Sav-A-Life. They made salvation bracelets & learned lots of cheers & even a dance! The week consisted of princess day, pajama day & crazy socks/hair day. Friday the parents were invited to watch - too cute!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cheese Please

While eating dinner (mac & cheese) tonight this conversation took place:
LG: "Mama, you know what? I'm just like a mouse...I LOVE cheese! I wanna eat cheese EVERY day until I'm full!"
M: "You might just turn into a piece of cheese."
LG: "With holes in it."
LG (after thinking a while): "But, Mama, that's just make believe (turning into cheese)...But, if you eat too much then you'll get sick & that's for real, right?"
M: "Yep, that's right."
LG: "Will you get sick in Heaven?"
M: "Nope!"
LG (big grin): "You won't? Heaven is going to be the BEST day of my life!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Born Again

The girls & I were in the car & a song came on that talked about being born again...
LG: "Mama, what does born again mean?"
M: "Well, when you ask Jesus into your heart, that means that you're born again."
LG: "Am I gonna be a BABY again?"
M: "No, we have a physical body that we can see & a spirit that will go to Heaven if we invite Jesus into our heart...that's why it says born again, b/c our spirit is born again.
LG: "Oh, well, I've already done that (asked Jesus in my heart)"
M: "You did? When?"
LG: "A while ago..."

Monday, August 3, 2009

Miley Cyrus

Double rainbow we saw

LG & E - - - - - - - - - - - - MJ, Honey, E & LG

Well, we saw Miley at Tybee...she was filming her latest movie, "The last song", on the beach & we happened to be there at the same time...just as we had set everything up the beach police came around & told everyone we had to move b/c they were setting up to film. It was exciting to see LG & E's reaction when we pointed Miley out to them while she was filming...we look forward to watching the movie & looking for the beach scenes :) My mom also told me that the back river house that they filmed in is her aunt's family's house...pretty neat!