Thursday, October 23, 2008

No Fear

MJ slide with me...okay, you're turn, I'll catch you.

Now, by myself....Wwweeeeee!

I think we have another "dare-devil" on our hands...


Mc Allen said...

aww, that looks like fun!!! My name is leah and I have 4 girls, my baby is 7 and every once in a while she will go and play on her playset. They grow so fast... Your family is beautiful and your blog is great, love all the pics!! Leah

courtney said...

Oh goodness, I found your blog - let the stalking begin...

Keely said...

She is a brave one. Cool that you have people from other places than GA on the blog. By the way, Nordstrom Rack is where I got that little yoga outfit- do ya'll have one in Macon?
I am going to email you soon so we can catch up!