Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday - Making Friends

Bryce, LG & Caulder met at the waterfront & never separated!

Mrs. Caroline loves painting the kids' faces

LG's swimming band - yeah!

Today was a day to "take in" Kanuga...nothing was planned but our meals of course. We spent a lot of time at the waterfront & LG actually took the swimming test...she did great & was awarded a GREEN wristband, which is the best & means you can swim in all the swimming areas. We were so proud!

Lola Grace was jumping off of the floating dock &, according to LG, Bryce was scared to jump from the dock so LG had the GREAT idea to hook their life vests together - the "tail" part that goes through your legs - so they could jump together! You can imagine the panic that went through my body as I watched this happening from FAR AWAY (with NO bathing suit on)! I had to yell to the lifeguard & try to explain what was going on...long story short - I ended up YELLING at LG, as the lake has been silenced, & everyone listened to the psycho mom (that would be me) telling her daughter to unhook the life vests & NOT to jump in while connected to Bryce! Meanwhile, Bryce is trying to get off the floating dock by going down the stairs while LG is connected to her & LG can't quite figure out why she is being pulled down the steps, too! LG & Bryce were "hooked" together for the rest of the week...

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