Friday, February 20, 2009

Bedtime Conversation

LG: Mama, where's Heaven?
M (thinking I don't want to answer, "in the sky"): Well, it's where we go if Jesus lives in our heart.
LG: But, what planet is it on?
M: I don't think it's on a's its own place. (Ok, this is getting tough)
LG: Oh, but, how does Jesus fit in our heart?
M (thinking "here we go"): Well, really the Holy Spirit lives in our heart, if we ask Him to. You know, Jesus died on the cross for our...
LG (interrupting with a grin): spankings!
M: Yeh, our sins & spankings...& since He was a man He couldn't REALLY fit in our hearts so the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts - (& then I couldn't resist) You know there's Jesus, God - Jesus' Father, & the Holy Spirit? (SILENCE...I'm thinking LG's really taking this in...THEN)
LG: Mama, is Poo-Kitty a boy or a girl?
M (PK is dead, so I'm wondering where this is going): Um, a girl.
LG: Well, I think Poo-Kitty sounds like a boy name.
M: Yeh, it kinda does, doesn't it?
LG: Yeh, I'm gonna nickname her "Emma."
M (thinking, "ok, I think the Trinity 'lost' LG"): Ok, I like that name :)

1 comment:

The Preston Family said...

She can't rename Pooh-Kitty after my child!!! :) I love that LG!!!