Thursday, August 7, 2008

Humpty Dumpty

SOMEBODY (that would be ME) put my cellphone on the top of my car this morning, as I was loading the girls, to take LG to cheerleading camp...we make it through the subdivision, turn on Forsyth Rd. & just before DQ, we hear a noise & think something from space has dropped on the ol' Honda...As I look in my rearview mirror I see my cellphone (in slow motion of course) doing a yard sale! It lands in the middle of the road open. I think to myself, "oh, no there went my cell...what should I do, what should I do? Can it be saved? No-it's over. I keep glancing back in the rearview mirror and then my determination steps in. I do a U-ee in Kroger's entrance & I'm suddenly on a MISSION! Oh, yea, there it is - I park in the middle of the road (b/n yellow line - I do NOT recommend this) with my hazards on, pick up my cell (code blue, don't know if she'll make it, pretty scuffed up), walk a little further down the MIDDLE OF FORSYTH & find the back cover- NOW I just need the battery! I drive down Forsyth "looking" for the battery, turn around, & park in Wilson Plaza. Get out, look up, down & in the road & realize this is probably a lost cause - wait, but I'm SO CLOSE to putting Humpty Dumpty back together I'm walking back to the car scanning the road, oh yea, I see something glistening...could it be? No, no way. Wait, I think it is...MY BATTERY! One last run INTO Forsyth Rd. to retrieve the battery & I am now smiling ear to ear not BELIEVING I have found all three pieces, without killing myself in the process. I get in the car & put H.D. back together...hit power & LG & I start cheering when we hear the phone turn on. She said, "Mama, I don't think your supposed to put your phone on top of the car, ok? Let me hold it."


Julie Scott said...

That is soooo You!