Sunday, May 18, 2008

I've Been Tagged

There's a first time for everything & this is the first time I've been blog "tagged." Payton tagged me for this meme: 6 Quirky Things About You. Here are the rules:
*Link the person who tagged you.
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them.

Hope's Six Quirks:

  1. Don't like to share food, candy, drinks, etc., ok, anything (need to work on this!) I guess this is not really a quirk, but me just being SELFISH.
  2. Like to smell my pillow when going to sleep - usually take it on trips
  3. When I come home, I change into my pj's - no matter what time it is
  4. LOVE being in my house with my garage door CLOSED (my hermit tendencies)
  5. Throw dirty diapers in garage - I'm too lazy to take them to the outside trashcan (really not good when #4 takes place at the same time)
  6. Drive around at night so I can see in people's houses - don't worry, I don't want to see people just what's in the house - & no, I'm not a burglar!

Now, for the tagging...I tag Keely, Michelle & Natalie

1 comment:

Keely said...

I will try to do it. And by the way, I can soooo relate to the not sharing food thing. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that is one of my biggest peeves!