Friday, January 16, 2009


Here's the story...Maddie James is definitely "coming into" her own personality! She LOVES to feed herself & this morning, we sat down to enjoy some oatmeal. I kept smelling this AWFUL smell & she would NOT let me feed her...yeh, BAD, BAD, BAD diaper! Tub worthy! So off to the tub we went (after stripping down & throwing the diaper along with the pj's AWAY).

Back to the high chair - screaming while I tried to feed her. Once I gave in & accepted the fact that oatmeal would be EVERYWHERE, I let her feed herself!

Happy to feed myself

Squishy concentration

All done - - - - - - why not get it in my hair, too?

Finger-lickin' good - yeh, it's in my diaper, too!
Off to the tub we went again...

1 comment:

Keely said...

A very familiar scene to me too, I can appreciate this!