Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blue Jeans

Lola Grace is NOT a fan of any type of pant, really. She loves skirts & dresses & we have had many tearful "discussions" about wearing pants that I have bought for her, b/c she told me that she liked them, so we kept them, but, then she never wants to WEAR them. The other day, she mentioned that she wished she had a pair of jeans, so, while I was at Target today, I bought some for her. When I showed them to her, the following converstation took place:

Mama: "LG, come look what I got for you today." As I pull the blue jeans out of the bag, I ask, "Do you like them? Remember you asked me for some jeans the other day?"
LG: "Oh, yes...I like them!"
She stands there & I ask her to try them on.
LG: "Well, I think I want to try them on tomorrow."
Mama: "Okay..."
LG is quiet for a minute & then says, "Um, Mama, I like them, but, I just don't want to wear them."
Mama: "Oh, ok, so you want me to take them back?"
LG: "Oh, noooooooo..."
Mama: "You don't? But I thought you said you don't want to wear them?"
LG: "Yeh, I don't, but, I just want to LOOK at them."


Anonymous said...

That is funny!

Keely said...

Ha Ha. Tell me what the secret is, I hope that Finley grows up to WANT to wear dresses and skirts!

Leslie said...

Hilarious! - sounds JUST like Eliza. She will wear pants, but begs me every day to wear what she calls "a beautiful dress" It is usually some kind of smocked summer dress and we have a 20 minute long discussion on why she can't wear it to school. She finally gives in only if I promise her she can put it on right when she gets home. But, she would never wear jeans! I guess there are worse things....