Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cracked Eggs

This is why I shouldn't take an afternoon nap while MJ is napping & leave LG watching Noggin...

LG decided to crack some eggs at her "fair" while we were napping. She came in my room & told me "Mama, there's an emergency...some eggs cracked on the floor." Silly me, I assumed she meant on the kitchen floor so I told her she was going to be in trouble & to cover it up with a paper towel & I would clean it up when I got up. As I walked in the living room, I heard LG say, "OH, NOOOO..." As I said, "what?", I quickly scanned the room & saw the cracked EGG on the ottoman. LG then looked at me & said, "there's some more..." And, then, I looked at one of my favorite rugs & saw the evidence.
I knew I had to get pics of this, so, as I tried not to laugh, I told LG, with a stern voice, to go to her room, lifted the paper towel that she had placed on the eggs & clicked away.


Keely said...

Oh, nooooo. You sound like you handled it well!

Julie Scott said...

Don't think I'll tell Avery about this one!!