Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mrs. Rosa - "Prayer Warrior"

Have I mentioned that I love what God is doing at North Macon Presbyterian Church?  I am so thankful that the Lord has led us (back) to this Church.  Back in March, we received a letter to let us know that our girls had been assigned a "prayer warrior" from our church family.  I was overjoyed when I read that their prayer warrior is Mrs. Rosa.  C, the girls, and I have been to visit her and she is such a delight.  She loves having visitors and we have found out some interesting facts about Mrs. Rosa's life.  She is 93.  Was #6 out of 12 children & born in Canada (She even has a sister who shares my same name - which does not tend to be a common name).  She told us that due to her neuropathy she is unable to write.  She also told us (with a grin on her face) that her dad was a minister and, "that at age 9 she became a Christian and has not known a day since without Jesus!"  W.O.W.  She is widowed and has two children of her own.  She is so sweet when the girls visit - not much bothers her & that's good when you have a 3 & 7 year old :).  She comes to Sunday School & Church and even on Wednesday nights...what a Godly example she is to us.  She is full of life, loves the Lord, and loves to share what He has done for/through/and with her.  Thank you, Lord for Mrs. Rosa.

July - Today while visiting Mrs. Rosa she said, "All you need is Jesus.  He will give you contentment.  I am willing to be an example (by having cancer) of the fact that Jesus heals all...not so I can get attention, but, so HE will get the credit and use me." 

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