Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vandelism on Emily Pl.

Chris and I enjoyed a wonderful weekend at the lake with friends while my dear parents kept LG & MJ at their house.  H & P have both been very sick, so, Uncle Pi brought the girls back to our house on Saturday night for a spend-night party here.

Once we returned, I kept asking Honey about the weekend, and she said she and P were just really tired.  The girls woke up early & came in their room (which I had told the girls NOT to do), they took them to WaterWorks, Moes, swam in plastic pool, played with dogs, fun, fun, fun...UNTIL

Papa mentioned to me on the phone (while I was at their house) if I had seen LG's artwork?  Um, no, where is it...What are you talking about?  Long story short, LG took it upon herself to draw on H & P's walls upstairs in the play area.  Seriously?!?  When I went to look at it, my mouth dropped open.  I couldn't believe it.  Wow.  Really.  I apologized to mom (& got on to her for n.o.t. telling me about this fine art job) & proceeded to text CW pictures of our daughter's work.  He immediately called and said, "W.H.E.R.E. is this!?!"  So, I proceeded to tell him the story.  Oh, and, of course, MJ had created some artwork of her own on her own little part of the wall.  Again, Wow.

After C & I discussed how to "handle" this, he called the girls into our room for a discussion.  All four of us were on the bed, and MJ took one look at Daddy and suddenly had a case of the nervous giggles.  Daddy looked at her and said, "this.is.not.funny."  When he asked LG "why" she drew on the walls, she responded with, "I thought it would look pretty."  We told the girls what their punishment would be and that did not go over so well. 

The next morning as I was making breakfast (frozen waffles, yes, I'm gourmet) in the kitchen, LG comes in all chipper and says, "Mama, I'm going to help you with all the dishes AND fold the laundry today!"  I responded with, "that would be SO nice, but, you know what would really help is if ya'll would clean your rooms & make sure you put all the toys up."  She took one look at me (I could tell I was about to get an LG classic) and said, "Um, Mama, I don't really want to help you, I'm just trying to earn my money back!" (Yes, part of her punishment was taking all her money, all $9, and giving it to H & P to "pay" for the repainting of the wall).  Needless to say, I laughed out loud and LG was a bit confused by my laughter.  I love you, LG, and I love the way your precious brain works and that you vocalize all of your thoughts at this age.

This is not the first time we have experienced "pretty" vandelism...LG painted the outside brick, drew on herself, MJ, MJ's crib & wall.  Hopefully, this will be the l.a.s.t?

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