Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Heart "Wiggles" Wilson

Well, LG has been BEGGING for a pet. She really wanted a puppy. Every time she would ask me about it, I would tell her she needed to talk to Daddy, b/c he makes those decisions. Each time she would ask Daddy, he would send her to me...poor LG! Finally a month ago, I told her to make a sign & put it on the backdoor so Daddy would see it when he came home...
Meanwhile, I tried to talk her into a fish, but, she didn't fall for that! Some of her friends got puppies for Christmas, and she came home one day and said, "Mama, did you know that Santa brings REAL pets?"
Well, LG's dream came true today...someone found four precious puppies while on a walk and needed to find homes for them. When we arrived, "Wiggles" came straight up to LG & followed her around. She is the only girl out of the litter & LG is ecstatic to be a "mommy." We named her Happy Heart (her brown fur looks like hearts) Wiggles (she wiggles her tail a lot) Wilson.
Proud "mama"...............MJ, more interested in cookies

Sweet Wiggles.................................Pooped
Before we went to bed, Daddy found where Wiggles had tee-tee'd & poo-poo'd on the hardwood floors (thankfully not a rug, but, I'm sure that's in the works). He showed it to LG and she ran to get me:
M: "Remember, we talked about what puppies may do...let's clean it up."
LG: "Mama, I have to clean THAT up?"
M: "Yeh, you're her mama."
LG: "WHY did I pick a puppy??? Mama, do cats do this?"
Welcome to our Home, Wiggles!


Keely said...

Excited to see new posts! That puppy is the cutest little thing ever! Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute puppy! How are you? We've moved so we'll have keep in touch over the blog!!! :-)