Thursday, February 28, 2008
Happy Birthday, Emory!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Rainy Days
This morning we had a rain storm that brought hail...LG was dying to put on her rainboots and go outside. After I had the thought of oh, I don't want her to get all wet, I thought does it really matter...rain won't hurt anything!!! So with rainboots & raincoat on, out she went. When she found the hail on the patio she was so excited. She asked me if she could eat it and said "mama, it tastes like ice!" She then proceeded to run around the backyard. She came back to me and said, "mama, watch me forever, ok?" Too cute! I remember wanting my mom to watch everything I did, too!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Shopping with LG
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Dinner at the Berg's
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Bathing Beauties
After lunch with Jessica, Christian, Joanna & kids, Mary Blue came over to play. I had a feeling when I heard a bunch of squealing coming from LG's bathroom that she and Mary Blue were up to something...sure enough they had decided to take a bath (without telling me, of course!!!). I opened the shower curtain & found them standing in an empty tub, water DRIPPING from the faucet (thank goodness!), with bath toys & lots of laughter--I love how kids find such joy in simple things.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Fun With Friends
LG at Henry Burns Park
Carla and I enjoyed a "mommy" morning with HG & MJ while Jake, Josh & LG were in school...we then picked up the older 3 and headed for a picnic at Henry Burns Park. Everyone had a blast - especially me while I sat on the blanket while MJ napped and Carla pushed everyone on the swings and played - THANK YOU!!! It was another beautiful February day - Jake even picked a flower and gave it to Lola Grace - too sweet!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
MJ Laughed & Rolled Over
Well, MJ gave us her 1st laugh on Valentine's Day while in Tybee...too cute! I look forward to MANY more!
The morning after, I woke up when I heard her crying, walked in her room & found her on her BACK...she had rolled over & wasn't quite sure what to think about it-ha!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Tybee Days
Honey, LG, MJ and I left for Tybee after school on Wed (14th). LG rode w. Honey (and all 4 dogs) & MJ with me. MJ did really well until about the last 20 minutes of our ride and then she decided that every bump I went over she would take personally and melt down!!! The four of us had a is what our trip included:
- Wed: Arrived in Savannah for dinner at Kathryn's new house with Martha, Livvy, William, Liam, Josh, Carolyn & Lachlan. The babies loved being together!!! First time meeting each other - too cute!
- Thurs: Enjoyed breakfast at "The Breakfast Club"- always delicious! Later, drove to Riverstreet - LG loved going to Riverstreet Sweets (best pralines) & Savannah Candy Company (best taffy). Ate late lunch at Olympia - only people in restaurant - so fun & delicious food! Only had 1 stroller so LG "held" MJ in her coat as we strolled along Riverstreet - MJ loved it!
- Fri: Lunch outside at North Beach Grill...LG enjoyed feeding the birds her hotdog bun...not so sure the people around us enjoyed it-ha! Took the girls to Oatland Island Wildlife Center - strolled the girls along the trails to see all of the animals - bison (huge), foxes, wolves, eagles (Honey's favorite), bear (asleep), turkey (escaped), duck (in pool), sheep, goat (not too smart looking), pig (LG asked where Charlotte the spider was), donkey, rabbits, snakes, turtles...lots of God's creatures! We took one of Honey's "shortcuts" and unknowingly missed some of the animals - had a blast and plan to go back with Daddy & Papa!
- Sat: Actually made it to the beach...strolled the girls to the beach with Mrs. Vicki. LG insisted on wearing her bathing suit and getting in the water - pick your battles, right!?! MJ fell asleep on blanket on sand...already a beach baby-3 months old!!! Lunch & icecream at Sugar Shack followed by trip to "Y" park - LG loved the BIG swings!
- Sun: Mommy caught up on her sleep most of the morning since Honey & I had been going to bed really late...around 8:00pm-ha! Tybee life is hard :-) Afternoon, went back to Riverstreet Sweets for MORE pralines, bear claws, HUGE sucker the size of my hand that LG had been eyeing & taffy - and I complain about not being able to lose my "baby" weight!!! Ate dinner at Nini's house with Martha & Kathryn. We all made vegetable soup together - LG helped chop the veggies. Liza also stopped by.
- Mon: Perfect time to come home--raining! LG so excited to come home & see Daddy!