Friday, June 6, 2008

Virgin Boaters

Papa & Honey took us out on the boat for the first time...Of course, we all had a wonderful time - beautiful day, quite steamy so it was nice to have the breeze from the boat (well, atleast while it was in motion - more on this later).

Papa started out driving & we hit bottom (just a little bit, it's ok, Papa) then Chris took over - he almost ran the boat into the bridge - hilarious! It was like slow motion...we kept getting closer & closer & finally we were within 5 feet of the bridge and I could see true panic on his face - we all laughed as Chris blamed it on the undertow! (Yea, right...good try babe!) Shortly after our close encounter this REALLY LOUD ANNOYING alarm started going off & of course NONE of us knew what was wrong (I'm lol writing this)! Papa turned off the motor & it stopped. As boats are passing us LG keeps asking why none of them will stop & help us. As soon as Papa cranks it back up, yep, you guessed it - the alarm returned! So we road back to the marina with this REALLY LOUD ANNOYING alarm going off - all feeling REAL cool at this point! I would equate it to driving your car around with the windows down & the horn blowing FOR NO REASON & YOU CAN'T STOP IT OR GET OUT!

Once safe & sound at the marina, the owner said that it was b/c our motor was overheated (probably from hitting the bottom - of course, we didn't admit that to him, we just acted like we had no idea how the motor could have gotten overheated)! Looking forward to the next ride...


Anonymous said...


Keely said...

Both those kids should be models!