Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bonefish with the Burgesses

We had a delicious dinner with friends tonight at a new restaurant in town...preface--the girls & I went to the pool this afternoon and came home just as a storm was brewing. Before we knew it, yep, you guessed it - NO ELECTRICITY! MJ was asleep & LG & I were "resting" in my bed - I don't think that's really possible with a 4 1/2 year old. Anyway, our babysitter for the evening received last minute tickets to the Tim McGraw concert & so she got a replacement (whom we had never met). Meanwhile, I need to take a shower & get ready, but again, we have NO electricity. I ended up drying & straightening my hair at the B's house, Chris brought the NEW babysitter to the B's house to babysit OUR kids (can't do much babysitting without electricity either), and off to Bonefish we went - as I put makeup on in the car so we could make our reservation! It was packed but since we had reservations we were seated quickly. The food was delicious, the sour apple martinis were divine & the air was HOT! When it came time to pay the bill, Chris proceeded to put his KROGER PLUS card in the black thing that the server brought to the table...we all thought this was REALLY funny - may have been the martinis? We saw her talking to the manager & then she returned to our table and said, "Sir, we don't take this." We all started laughing and Chris apologized if he caused her any stress - hee,hee. Hopefully we brightened her night?! Chris left her a good tip for putting up with our shenanigins (never spelled that word before).

1 comment:

Keely said...

Hilarious! Did you try the Bang, Bang shrimp? It's sooooooo good!