Monday, June 30, 2008

Projectile & Library Cards

The girls & I met Courtney & the boys at Chick today for lunch...I did not get the memo that this was the place to be for lunch - we saw Julie & kids, Natalie & kids, Jess D. & kids & Nay-Nay. I gave MJ a couple of fries to "chew" on & I should have known better - as I reached in her mouth...ok...DOWN HER THROAT to retrieve a piece of fry she PROJECTILE vomited & no I am NOT exaggerating (Courtney's my witness)! Of course, there was an innocent bystander, sitting right in view of all of this, who happened to look up at the SPLIT second that it happened, & unfortunately witnessed the whole thing. I looked up in time to see the expression on her face & all I could say was, "I'm so sorry you had to see that!" She is probably scarred for life - oh, well, we tend to have that effect on people - ha! Meanwhile, MJ was perfectly content with a BIG grin on her face.

We then headed to the library (Tom Hill) to get some books on LG's Pre-K reading list...Pre-K reading list??? I didn't even know that existed!? Well, it does. Anyhow, I went to check out & told the lady I didn't have a library card. She looked at me as if I was an illegal immigrant or something and said, "Did you just move to the state of Georgia?" My answer, "Oh, no mam, I just don't have a library card." I couldn't bring myself to admit that I've lived in GA for 32 YEARS. She still looked a little puzzled and so I said, "Do I need a card from another library to check out at this one?" Not that I had that either. Suddenly she realized I seriously DON'T have a library card. I felt like I was coming out of the closet as a "non-library" card holder!!! So humiliating! I have always been intimidated by libraries - you have to be quiet, I get confused, it's hard to FIND the books...such pressure, etc! But, all is well, they were extremely helpful & nice & we left with many books AND I NOW HAVE A LIBRARY CARD!

1 comment:

The Preston Family said...

Yes, I didn't know the memo didn't get to you!!! ANd I can't believe that MJ doesn't like french fries...