Monday, December 8, 2008

"L" is for Ladybug

LG "making"red frosting & cutting marshmellows for eyes

TA-DA! Our finished product...ladybug cupcakes!

At the beginning of the year the Pre-K parents were asked to sign up to bring snacks for a particular letter. I chose "L" for Lola Grace. When I got the reminder that it was time for the "L" snack I started racking my brain for ideas...yeh, nothing. The suggestions on the reminder were licorice, lemon squares & lemonade. I quickly got on my laptop & searched for "L" snacks...who would have guessed...ladybug cupcakes! I HAD to make them. LG took them today along with Capri Sun lemonade for snack...she was so proud of our creation!


courtney said...

VERY impressive. You really make us mom's who send store bought cookies look bad!

Robyn said...

Hi Hope! I actually came across your blog while reading Bring the Rain - Angie's blog. For some reason your name and story stood out and I clicked on your link. I grew up in Macon and I think your name sounds familiar to me. I have always been good friends with Kristi Connell Redmond and I may have heard your name through her. Anyways, I thought I would say hello, introduce myself (I'm Robyn) and say that I have the same hair problem with my second daughter who has very curly hair. I know of no other remedy than to use detangling spray every morning and drench her hair with it until I can get a comb through it. Have you thought about using a satin pillowcase?
Oh, and the lady bug cupcakes are adorable! My girls love ladybugs!
Merry Christmas!
Robyn Beall

Keely said...

Those look awesome! What a memory in making those- LG will never forget it. You are such a great mom!