Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Charlie Brown Style

Just a little background information...Daddy is out-of-town, it's been a long day, I'm exhausted & ready for a "break", so, while the girls eat dinner I'm watching a little HGTV - ok, enough excuses...here's the conversation:
LG: "blah, blah, blah"...(ok, she really said something to me, but, that is what I heard)
M (completely into my HGTV show, not having a clue as to what LG just said): "oh, cool!"
LG (annoyed): C-O-O-L??? Mama, WHY did you SAY that? I could have CHOKED!
M (she now has my undivided attention): "oh, wait, what did you say?"
LG: "I SAID, I almost swallowed this..."(as she shows me a piece of plastic)
M: "Oh, goodness...no, that is NOT cool, is it?"

Yes, I enjoyed a few laughs from this...now I know what Chris hears when I talk to him :)


Keely said...

I'm laughing out loud- that's great! I hope you get that needed break tonight!

Anonymous said...

You sound like me!!! LOL

Jenna Hodgins said...

That's great, Hope! I laughed so hard the first time I read that a couple of months ago, and then again when I re-read it again after finding your blog a second time. That scenario plays out in our home more often than I would like to think!