Sunday, February 10, 2008

Back to Church

Now that Maddie James is 3 1/2 months old we have made it back to Church! Lola Grace was excited to get back to her Bible Study class (and even got to play with Mary Blue's class today...such an added bonus :-)). According to LG, she learned about the miracle of "Jesus and the 5 bread and 2 fish for lunch". Maddie James came to church with Mommy & Daddy (Honey & Papa sat with us too) and did pretty well...she made an early "peep" so Mommy quickly stood up in the back with her and then she ended up snuggling and falling sweet! She woke up right before the sermon was over and had lots to say..."gaa, gaa, gaa"...interpreted "Praise the Lord!" Afterwards, we met Honey & Papa at Buffalo's for lunch - MJ was a little fussy so I changed her diaper (that was in MY bag) and secretly breastfed her while sitting in our booth!!! Oh, the joys of second is amazing how much more relaxed I am-HA! This would have NEVER happened with LG...I would have had her HUGE diaper bag with 10 diapers, ample wipes, 3 outfit changes, a changing pad, the list goes on...and I would have gone ALL the way to the car to take care of these issues...NEVER would have happened in the booth - HA!!!

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