Wednesday, September 1, 2010

MJ Words & Stuff

Yes = Wes
Yay = Way
Hello Kitty = Wewo Titty
Gum = Mum
Please = Peas
Love you = Wuvu
Mrs. Cynthia = Cincewa (your 2k teacher)
When you wake up you literally scream at the top of your lungs, "M.A.M.A!" Daddy or I will yell back to you, "you can get up!"
You love to say, "I want you, Mama."
When going into the bathroom, you say, "I need privacy", & push me out.
You've started saying "awesome" and "so cool." Cracks me up hearing that come from your 2 year old little mouth.
You want to do everything that LG does.
You LOVE your blankie, love to be wherever I am, love to be "on" me.
You still suck your thumb and pointer finger - interesting combination.

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